
What to expect From A Tantric Massage

Tantric Massage is a blissful, delightful, and invigorating experience designed to enhance your pleasure and forge new connections within, fostering a deeper understanding of the self.

I tailor the session to cater to your desires and limits, utilizing mindful physical touch within a secure environment. Employing smooth, flowing strokes and varied pressures, we embark on a journey that invites you to embrace joy and indulgence, paving the way for transformative experiences physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Approaching every part of the body with affection, we purify, harmonize, and elevate your pleasure centers while working with the stored energy within. Techniques such as  personalized mantras and affirmations, may be integrated to enhance your unique encounter. We then come to the exquisite conclusion of the massage, the delectable yoni massage!

Surrendering to the experience brings about an unparalleled pleasure. As we elevate your sensual energy, causing it to surge through your body like ocean waves, you will encounter orgasmic sensations rippling across various parts of your being. Electric tingles and waves of excited energy dance across your skin, creating a heart-pounding symphony of ecstasy. These moments could even lead to a heightened state of consciousness or out-of-body experiences. The key is allowing the energy to flow naturally as I keep you balanced on the edge of orgasmic release until the waves of pleasure lead to an eruption of orgasmic pleasure.

While I am happy to receive mutual touch remember that this is your time to receive and there is no need for you to reciprocate.

The session concludes with a period for you to assimilate the energies experienced during the massage and discuss any notable moments. You also have the option to shower afterwards.

If you have any questions  please get in touch using our Contact Form on our Homepage.


£230 – 1.5 Hours

£300 – 2 Hours

£350 – 2.5 Hours

£400 – 3 Hours

Flexible Pricing

We believe that everyone deserves access to our services, which is why we have a flexible pricing structure. Our aim is to create an inclusive environment where financial constraints don’t hinder you on your healing journey. So if you are in need of support get in touch and we will try to find a solution to meet your needs.

What To expect from a shadow tantric massage

Shadow Tantric Massage is a thrilling, provocative, and liberating journey crafted to elevate your pleasure and explore uncharted territories, fostering a profound connection with the enigmatic facets of your desires.

As your pleasure Dom I tailor the session to align with your cravings, curiosities, kinks and boundaries which will be discussed thoroughly before your session. With the finesse of seamless, dynamic movements and an array of pressures from soft and sensual to exploring the dynamics of BDSM and conscious kink, our journey unfolds, slowly exploring your submission leading to transformative experiences, both physically and mentally, and delve into the depths of your pleasure and deviancy, worshipping each part of your body with my hands, lips, lingam and toys (according to your boundaries) with an intuitive understanding.

These instances will usher you into an altered state of awareness or moments of transcendence. The essence lies in allowing the energy to move organically, tending to areas calling for exploration and arousal, both physically and mentally, while establishing a symbiotic link with your shadow self.

It’s imperative to stress that this isn’t a conventional Dom session as it is combined with the Tantric massage which is the core of the experience. Mutual touch is allowed but as your Dom I will either grant or deny you permission, touch has to be earned.

Your session concludes with time for you to absorb the energies and to receive aftercare to help you ground your energy and prepare you to re-enter the “real” world. Aftercare is an essential part of your session and as such we will discuss your preferred aftercare requirements.

You may also shower afterwards if you desire.



£230 – 1.5 Hours

£300 – 2 Hours

£350 – 2.5 Hours

£400 – 3 Hours


Flexible Pricing

We believe that everyone deserves access to our services, which is why we have a flexible pricing structure. Our aim is to create an inclusive environment where financial constraints don’t hinder you on your healing journey. So if you are in need of support get in touch and we will try to find a solution to meet your needs.